45 Sad No Money Quotes - Getmoneyquotes.com

 Sad No Money Quotes

1. If you had saved some money before, that would have helped you right now
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2. Everything changed. Those who were close to us when they got financially stable, they do not even remember us.
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3. No one will care about how hard you work or how sad you are. All that matters how much money you have.
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4. People will keep tracking your financial growth.
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5. Money is like guest. They will just come and go.
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6. It’s not about whether I have job or not. The thing matters is whether I have money or not.
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7. There is a huge distance between your hard work and money.
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8. Do not put your hands in the plates of poor people
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9. No matter how many hands you have passed, I can never forget my money
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10. When there is a distance they just forget the relationships, but the relationship with money is different.
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11. I gave up on my dreams. It will never work out.
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12. No matter how you make others happy, I will never forget or hate money
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13. I like money, but money likes everyone
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14. No one wants to die, but money lead us to death
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15. We have fought and argued a lot but money made our friendship a part.
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16. The happiness when we have money does not lead us to anything. But the sadness without it lead us to wrong paths
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17. When i do not have money and when I have to give up my dreams, that is pain
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18. The more i dream about money, the more I get hurt.
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19. To achieve your goals you need to fight for it. Even if you do not have money
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20. Sometimes money is important to me
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21. Enjoying with others money is something like they are donating for charity to you
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22. Now life is all about making money
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23. Money taught me not to trust anyone
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24. If you wish to enjoy freedom, money is a drug
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25. Some people give a lot of importance to money. But they always say that its not
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26. I smile a lot even though I know that my dreams are not going to be real.
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27. When I do not have money I feel alone.
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28. At last I learned how to adjust with what I have got.
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29. The best thing in life is to dream, because you are the king/queen in your dreams.
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30. Due to greed I myself let all the doors close.
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31. Death of my dreams, happened when I lost my money
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32. Money is a best tool to attach relationships
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33. Going through a situation where i have to give up on all my dreams.
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34. It is not i have money, it is just i have nothing i am just pushing days.
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35. We have to do our best to help others.
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36. To cry no tears, to live no money
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37. A rich man has to lose his money to know the life of the poor.
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38. To be with people i had to show the money that I never had.
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39. Certain people does not understand the value of relationship but money
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40. People are like that, money is everything
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41. The deepest love is between a person and money.
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42. Poverty and hard work made me walk through dark roads.
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43. If you do not have money every one will just try to get rid of you.
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44. It is always better to stay away with fake reasons than saying I do not have money
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45. Money became a reason for me to cry.
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