Is love possible without money? -

 Is love possible without money?

1. If you are a man without money you better have a ten inch personality to make a relationship work.

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 2. Dating cost money and she is going to have her friends and parents judging her and who she picks.

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 3. When you remain hungry or sick in hospital with out any money to buy water,food,medicine or operation than you will realize that your own life is more important than your love.

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 4. Money is going to be a factor in securing love

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 5. In the superficial world we have created, it is difficult to express love when you are struggling to survive.

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 6. Men feel depressed and embarrassed to date their girlfriends when they are low with finance.

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 7. Issues with money in relationships come up because one of the partners feels overwhelmed by the responsibility of having to provide.

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 8. Money is involved in love, as a reflection of some commitment, as are displays of affection, some actions, and the proper words of endearment and respect.

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 9. Love can motivate and charge up a person to work hard and make money to make his beloved happy ,secure and comfortable .

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 10. Money cannot buy love ,because love is hidden out of reach within the heart ,and has to be won not purchased .

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 11. If you are serious about love, then money worries should be beneath you.

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 12. Buying romance is very old fashioned but it’s something that persists even today because of social conditioning.

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 13. When you realize that the right woman,or man, will respond to loving, genuine emotions, you will not have to buy overpriced presents.

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 14. The beginning of any healthy relationship is usually not because of money, that is why it is healthy.

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 15. We need sufficient amount of money to meet our basic and emotional needs in any healthy relationship.

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 16. It is our fear of becoming poor and last of becoming rich that comes always in between our relationship.

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 17. The love equation and the money equation are part of, and correlate together with, the life equation.

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 18. Love keeps your perspective positive and rewarding, the money part is just stepping up for the people you love.

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 19. Money without love is possible but love without money is not.

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 20. If you let family or others get involved into your personal life and convince you that money is first and you should look for a richer partner, then ..that will be your fault.

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 21. Money is the thing if you both wants to grow and be happy in your life then I must say love needs money ….

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 22. Now in any kind of relationship it be, if money is the matter then it'll only stay until there is money! Wasn't that simple?

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Things change and you can learn to appreciate the very small things done without money.

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 24. You can have love without money but people are materialistic and need those materialistic devices to feel complete its an illusion the mind plays on an insecure soul

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 25. Stop visiting prostitutes and you will be well on your way there.

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