The Sadness of Life: Quotes to Express Your Emotions

The Sadness of Life: Quotes to Express Your Emotions

1. Don't force them to be in your life if they don't like you. 

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2. I don't know how or when we will find happiness. There is no happiness, no sadness, just moving forward with life.

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3. Nobody needs you if you have nothing in your pocket, it's all about money.

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4. Our concern for money makes your life difficult, not money itself.

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5. It is easy to justify cutting people out of our lives, but it is not easy to justify cutting money out as well.

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6. Our hearts are opened by hope, but our souls are also wounded by hope.

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7. The feeling of loneliness comes not from being alone, but from feeling that no one understands you.

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8. A feeling of loneliness helps us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. It is not a punishment, but a blessing.

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9. When you love someone deeply, you express love without measure and end up with nothing to express.

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10. Ignoring someone is a powerful way to hurt them. It's like saying they have no value in your life.

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11. The people who said they couldn't live without me back then, happily living with another person including me, make me laugh now.

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12. You must forgive someone in your life who has deeply hurt you, and move on God will punish them, and the same applies to you. Think before you curse.

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13. It doesn't matter how we think about it, the days will pass and we will move forward with our lives no matter what happens.

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14. What a life isn't it? A lot of sadness and a little happiness.

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15. No matter how many people are around us. Only a few will listen to our sorrows for a short time. And they will get bored too. But I want to thank them. Even if it is for a short time it means a lot.

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16. When you get angry, try to calm down first before you make a decision, decisions made in anger can ruin your life.

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17. You are human like everyone else, so why let yourself down to please those around you? Is there a need for it?.

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18. When you are alone you want to be with someone. When you are with someone you want to be alone. What a situation.

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19. This is our life and happiness or sadness is the reward of the decisions we make.

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